What Foods You Should and Shouldn’t Eat During a Drug or Alcohol Detox

best food for alcohol recovery

Loss of appetite is one of the signs of liver diseases like cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis. To offset zinc deficiency, consider adding high-zinc foods to your diet. Meat of any kind is an excellent source of zinc, but it’s important to avoid excessive amounts of red or processed meats as they have been linked to increased risk for heart disease and cancer.

The Recovery Process of Substance Use Disorder

We recommend speaking with your doctor about how heavy drinking has impacted your body, and which supplements will be the most safe and useful for you as an individual. Other new habits, such as regular exercise, mindfulness practice, and a healthier diet, can all contribute to boosting your health in recovery. L-glutamine is another great supplement for anyone trying to reduce their alcohol consumption. This amino acid occurs naturally in the body and many protein-rich foods, and is a building block for some of the brain chemicals that regulate anxiety and depression.

Nutritional Therapy for Alcohol Addiction

If you’re ready to make a positive change, here’s what you may want to know about the recovery process. Unveiling gender, ethnic disparities, and unique challenges in accessing treatment. Unravel how alcoholism develops over time, its effects on health, and the importance of early intervention. Discover the three features of the best drug rehab centers to ensure successful recovery and wellness. Unearth the path to recovery by finding good drug treatment centers tailored to your unique needs.

best food for alcohol recovery

Could Drug Use Lead to Hair Loss?

best food for alcohol recovery

Caffeine can increase heart rate, restlessness and shakiness — all symptoms of anxiety. According to the Institute of Medicine, adults should drink about nine to 13 cups of fluids per day. Because many factors can affect how much fluid your body needs, always ask your doctor or treatment team how much water you should be drinking each day. When you drink, the alcohol suppresses your brain’s production of a chemical called antidiuretic hormone, or ADH.

  • Discover how to stop dopamine addiction with effective techniques, from mindfulness to therapy and community support.
  • In a 2011 study, 20 participants recovering from AUD took a dietary supplement with D-phenylalanine, L-glutamine, and 5-HTP during detox.
  • These stages can help prevent relapse and support people to live healthier, fuller lives.
  • They also provide 146% of the daily recommendation for thiamin, which is great for brain health, and 215% for folate, which is necessary for the growth and repair of body tissues.
  • Detoxification is not just about eliminating toxins, but also about restoring balance and nourishing the body.
  • Eliminating alcohol and junk food from the diet can be one of the fastest ways to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

This can make it hard to stay away from alcohol while you’re trying to get better. Capsaicin also releases endorphins, the hormone best food for alcohol recovery that creates feelings of happiness. Adding a little bit of cayenne pepper to food can help boost mood and also aid with nausea.

When you cut out alcohol, your gut works to regain its natural balance, which can improve digestion, absorption of nutrients, and serotonin production. Improving your gut health can also make your liver and kidneys more efficient at detoxing. Healthy whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, barley, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat pasta. Whole grains also help to promote healthy gut bacteria, which supports liver and kidney health, the body’s two most important detox organs.

best food for alcohol recovery

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